really love your mangoes, wanna shake your tree..

there's a mango tree behind my new apartment building. they are about the size of... i'm not sure. maybe twice the size of an egg? bigger than a kiwi, but smaller than an orange. not nearly as big as the ones you find in the grocery.
growing up in colorado, i never really had the fortune of fresh fruit from the tree. unless you count crab apples. i don't. and if you ever tried to eat one, you wouldn't be counting them either.
anyway, this is a pretty exciting thing for me. as soon as you park you can smell them. not to mention the ground is littered in mango innerds. it's quite a site really. mangoes are so fibrous that once they have become parking lot road-kill, there are just countless hairy, orange landmines everywhere. i should really post a picture of that, too. it's pretty weird.
so, boyfriend and i went a-pickin' the other night. we grabbed some ripe ones, which are legitimately about to burst, and some green ones which we'll let ripen in the bowl. when i say about to burst, i mean they are so delicate, so full of juice that they feel like you could eat them like a peach. and i still believe you could. i'll let you know how it goes.
now, i know that this won't last long- this mini-harvest of mine, honestly it's probably almost over. but it's funny how something so small can make a place (florida) seem ok for just a little longer... we're on-the-outs, florida and i. we have been for quite some time. but this is something i can't get in colorado.
never could.
alas, i'll let you know how i'm feeling when the parking lot is covered in rotten mango pits, and i'm standing there sweating wondering what the hell i'm doing in such a spoiled state.
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