Wednesday, April 26, 2006

soup du jour

two days ago a sink fell out of the wall at work.

this afternoon the plummer installed a new sink.

he unearthed the bowels of the restaurant.

my vocabulary is not grand enough to properly convey how offensive an odor so rank can be. the thought burned in my mind that such a stench could, in fact, be fatal. so poisonous and toxic it could drown you to death. liquify your innerds. taint your blood and drive you insane.

a small riot broke out as each person came in for their shift. this was supernatural. this was death. i was there for four hours and the stench was still there when i left. i know i took some of it home.

we opened the doors and killed two aerosol bottles of "potpourri." we poured bleach on the floor and turned up the fans and tried not to gag. i'm over potpourri. i want it out of my life. if this things sleeps there overnight i will probably quit. i will definitely quit.

food was cooked. meals were eaten. it was disgusting.

but this is my life. this is a restaurant. we peel roaches off the floors. we spray the dish hose at rats. things get dirty- things get rinsed. things like food. like steaks. butter packets are fingered and molded back to their original shape. refrigerated. thawed. handled. refrigerated.

dishes were washed in this sink for chrissake.


Blogger patrick said...

did you ever get around to reading "kitchen confidential"? it all makes you just want to eat at home.

9:49 AM  
Blogger Ryan said...

Well . . . I've heard of this place in Boulder where the nasty employees use to put their mouths on the sides of plates. Then sit back and watch the customers eat off these plates, and laugh.

Not that funny.

8:55 AM  

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